Finally, the phoenix rises to bring his 27 years of experience rebuilding America's low income communities to the desk of President Donald Trump. Webb offers President Trump his 27 years of insight on how to REBUILD America's low income African American and other poor communities. Read the real life legal saga of Master Builder James T. Webb as he shows the President and the American people that struggles, challenges, and benefits of REBUILDING America's poorest and most frail communities in a very unique Real Estate Market.Webb makes his methods in The WAHM (Webb Affordable Housing Model) available to the Trump administration to help finally bring the CHANGE that America's poor communities have been waiting on for the past 100 years. While it has not been easy, Webb has purchased, renovated and sold close to 1000 previously vacant and condemned homes in these communities. (Many scheduled for demolition) But Webb stopped the demolition and put the citizens within the same communities to work REBUILDING their homes. In creating tens of thousands of short term contract jobs, Webb helped to positively change the lives of the workers. While the benefits of rebuilding those communities are without limit, the social, political, regulatory, and legal challenges and many times very unfair, can break the spirits of the best men and women who attempt to bring the needed change. However, for Webb, despite the blood on his brow, his vision for these communities is unchanged and very clear. Webb believes that now and with President Trump in the White House, these communities can finally become greater than they have ever been over the past 100 years. Webb offers his assistance to President Trump in this unique and troubled Real Estate market. In his last book," Economic Justice", Webb asked the many stockholders in America that he knew to "HOLD ON", that "HELP IS ON THE WAY" Fellow Americans, that time has come.