Blue Ocean
"Teach the World how to Achieve their Dreams"

Tonica Crawford
CEO / Crawford Construction
This letter is to confirm that James Thomas Webb (13206-056) has been my mentor since
August 2019. Through his mentorship I have build a construction company from the ground up.
He has worked hand in hand with me through email to instruct me on how to start a lucrative
business to support my family. Without the diligent instruction from Mr. Webb I don't know what
kind of dire financial situation my family would be in. I am a mother of nine with an incarcerated
husband, who has also been under Mr. Webb's instruction to aid me in this process. Thanks to
Mr. Webb and his generous intellectual contributions to my family, I am now able to provide for
my family as a work from home mother through our thriving construction company.
My company's name is Crawford Construction & Contracting Corp. our website is: Mr. Webb is undeniably an asset to the American economy as a whole.
The type of knowledge and patience he has is unmatched. His Webb Affordable Housing Model
(WAHM) curriculum affords anyone the opportunity to start their business from scratch. If I had
daily access to him upon his release not only my personal family business but many families across
this county would have their economic status elevated immediately. What he has to offer this world
Is imperative I hope you can see and hear this through my letter. With the changing demographics it
is important in Mr. Webb's contribution to society for him to have access to updated materials. He
is reaching many people through his work now, however this is minuscule compared to the amount
of people he could reach if given a second opportunity at life.
Thank you,
Tonica Crawford
CEO of Crawford Construction & Contracting Corp.

Wanda Young
CEO / Rebuild America Construction Systems, LLC
This notice is to affirm that James Thomas Webb has been my mentor since September 2018. From
then till now, James has been consistent in his teachings and his vast knowledge matches anything
that I may have googled for myself. He is a man committed to building and helping others and what
he has been doing for these many years, is both, consecutively. With Mr. Webb's help I have
successfully created my business; Rebuild America Construction Systems, LLC (RACS),
In my opinion, Mr. Webb should certainly be granted freedom, as he is an asset to the county,
much more so than a liability. James Webb has the nobility, tenacity, strength and heart to help
organize America's 1st tier Construction workers to lead honest and fair lives. This letter is to
serve notice that I am requesting leniency be afforded to Mr. Webb so that he may help build
America up again by helping others like me build their own family empires and also getting back
to work employing his own teams across America.
Thank you,
Wanda Young
CEO, Rebuild America Construction Systems, LLC

First Service...........eBOOKS
From the Master Builder himself; Mr. James Thomas Webb. Including first hand knowledge and written doctrine to start as and become a Master Builder
***Some paperbook covers available on Amazon***
for Economic Justice and Guide to Pres. Trump

For details on Videos go to About us page
Please tweet President Trump under the hashtag #FREEAMERICANBUILDERJAMESWEBB and send the link to this page. Please ask your friends and family to do the same. We all know it is much easier to run a demolition company than it is to run a building company. Together, we can all make sure that Justice STILL runs down like Living Waters and Righteousness like a MIGHTY STREAM. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT AND HELP, TO WIN. God Bless you and may his Love surround you!!! Thank you for everything!!!
^ An ANTI-TRUST LEGAL DEFENSE ^ FUND has been created for this effort.
Second service.....Master Builder Training
Master Builder Logistics Training Live Recordings
Actual Phone Logs / Recordings of Master Builders Logistics and Training Classes
Hear and feel the pain from those who love James T. Webb the most. Pain caused in the unconstitutional reopening of a successfully settled SEC Southern District of Florida case, where Webb secured a settlement agreement with the government which allowed him to REBUILD AMERICA's Poor communities in compliance with U.S. v. Howey and The Securities Act of 1933 and 1934. The SEC case is a (2009 CLOSED CASE). But in 2012, the Eastern District of North Carolina did not stop the "combined" 10 year long effort to destroy Webb's company and take his freedom as he rebuilt these communities. That SAME CASE was a secret "set up" and a Fraud on the Institution of the Federal District Court. Enough is enough! What happened to James T. Webb while being a Job Creator and American Builder of America's Poor Communities is both UN-AMERICAN and a MORAL DISGRACE.. Just because people possess power, does not mean they have a right to abuse it. Twitter users, post video in support using Hashtag #1in2